The start of the new semester is always exciting for the faculty and staff as we welcome both new and returning students and seeing them along the path to their degrees and developing as adults.
Several events took place for the students including:
Student Involvement Fair where members of Women in Business introduced the student organization to new students. This resource fair style event is a convenient way to allow nonprofit organizations the opportunity to recruit ISU student volunteers, share volunteer experiences, network with other agencies, and promote their agency and the services they provide to our community.
My Major, My Career where students met with college and program faculty, staff and peer mentors to learn more about their chosen major.
Business Living Learning Community, we now have 22 students in the new business living learning community. Living Learning Communities provide a unique opportunity to engage with other students around a common academic or interest area. Business LLC residents benefit from special events, guest speakers, and resources to strengthen their development as future professionals.
Go Sycamores!